Friday, November 20, 2009

11/16 11/20

This week again was brutal. I think its funny how lame the people are being by making no sense in the answers were getting. So were gonna video chat with them soon and believe me we are gonna get our revenge. :) *BUM BUM BUM* I started my own game my game is gonna be BAMF! Its a horror theme game a point and click sort of thing. Oh well enough babeling peace!

ps code sucks!

Friday, November 13, 2009

weekly review woot

This week I finished my side of the game. I made my side of the game very tricky and scary at the same time. I also am starting on my own game which is gonna be awesome! I dont like working with teammates,considering I work faster than others and I'm creative. I'm not dissing anyone I'm just saying my own game is definitely gonna be better than a stupid civics game. Oh and the people in charge on helping us is doing the worst job ever. My friend asked a simple question and they answered back with something that made no sense. Then we asked for them to speak english basically and apparntly these people havent taken english or are completly stupid. We are doing something noone seems to knwo what theri talking about. They tell us to do it we do then a problem comes up they babble on and dont help at all. Idiots!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

<_< blogging again with questions this time yay

1.What is your game topic?


2.How does your game relate to civics?

We are practicing the right to bear arms. Which is the 2nd amendment of the Bill of Rights.

3.Being specific, with step-by-step instructions, describe your game in no less than 150 words.

You start at the beginning screen. Then you have to answer questions to continue into the game about civics. Later on you'll encounter the British, and you must use your right to fight them out of your town. There is also a mini game you can collect your own amendments. In the game you must get the questions correct to move on. Without the questions you don't get help from the general George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or an American troop. These are like who wants to be a millionaire life lines. You will get a 50/50 to narrow the answers down to ½. Then you get a poll vote one a percentage of the crowd thinks what it is. Then George Washington’s power up is his knowledge. This gives you the actual answer. This is our most important power up/life line. I thought of this idea to help out the player.

4.Describe how the player will learn more about civics when playing this game in no less than 150 words.

You learn how to correctly use your right to bare arms. What amendment is the right to bare arms? Also what really happened back then, but with a little bit of fun. Unfortunately we can’t make it super fun but hey we can try right? This game will be a shooter game/ trivia game. We mixed trivia with a shooter and history of a fore fathers and amendments. This was only because we have to do civics. But with our creative minds we can create anything from nothing. :) We hope you enjoy our civics game, don’t forget team MUFFIN TANNKS IS THE BEST! By the way that was our team name. We decided randomly to name our team that because were awesome like that. I really hope you enjoy this game. There will be definitely more games to come from team muffin tanks. Thank you guys for this opportunity!

5.Where does your game fit into the Civics knowledge framework?

It fits in considering its about civic stuff. So ya t here ya go, oh by the way civics is awesome!

6.Does your game teach about an ideal of government, a function of government, or about citizenship? Please explain

Sure it does, your learning how to protect yourself, and practicing your rights as a American citizen.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Last weeks review :)

Last week we registered for a civics game competition. If we win then we get a laptop with the latest flash on the laptop. I don't think I'll win. I'm working on a mini game, inside the game so that they can have a little bit on fun. Till later blogger PEACE!