Friday, November 13, 2009

weekly review woot

This week I finished my side of the game. I made my side of the game very tricky and scary at the same time. I also am starting on my own game which is gonna be awesome! I dont like working with teammates,considering I work faster than others and I'm creative. I'm not dissing anyone I'm just saying my own game is definitely gonna be better than a stupid civics game. Oh and the people in charge on helping us is doing the worst job ever. My friend asked a simple question and they answered back with something that made no sense. Then we asked for them to speak english basically and apparntly these people havent taken english or are completly stupid. We are doing something noone seems to knwo what theri talking about. They tell us to do it we do then a problem comes up they babble on and dont help at all. Idiots!


  1. Anna that's funny you tell it how it is. I wonder which friend you are talking about?

  2. O I see how it is! >=( ....Joking. But yeah the people who are supposed to help us aren't doing a very good job at all!

  3. Yeah im also done with my part of the game but im helping my partner. Yeah i need to start working on my individual game

  4. Anna: I think they may have not fully understood the question. So I am going to be coming around and try to work individually with the students to get the code they need.
